
     Mr. Chung asked us to blog one of our homework on the blog,  which I think is totally unnecessary, to show my "creative" writhing on the blog and for everyone to see. anyway. here is my work on the following question : Page 72 #54,#56#58,#60,#62,#62. six question in total, right?

    If you see any mistake, it would be very helpful for you to kindly inform me and show me the correct method. Thank you and your action will be appreciated.

    Also , due the tectonically difficulties, some pictures are up-side down. so please cop and paste them into Word documents and read if you want to read about the details. sorry about the inconvenient.

    Here are the Answers :

Kinematics Graph Translation (of the lab results).

         Here is the translation of the graph of our physic lab, it is only a rough draft on the original graph. Mr.Chung said this is a kick off on our lab report. then, I am so proud of myself that i start doing my lab.

Here are the result(with the translation on the graph):
Please remember: the translations is for the graph before the that graph.


Walking the Graph Experience

We did a lab on matching the graph with a motion detector. it is harder than it looks.
 but it is a fun experience, also, this lab shows the difference between Distance-Time graph and Velocity-time graph. it is a interesting and helpful lab.

Here is some result of the lab:

RHR 1 & 2

Right hand rules are basically some rules about using your right hand to find out the direction of the magnetic field and the direction of the currents and forces,

right hand rule #1 : 
- the direction of the conventional current are indicated by the thumb of the right hand.
- the curved fingers point in the direction of the magnetic filed around the current.

right hand rule #2 : 
- the direction of the conventional currents are indicated by the curved fingers.
-the  thumb points in the direction of the magnetic filed within the coil. outside the coil, the thumb represents the North end of the electromagnet.