

A cannon is any piece of artillery that uses gunpowder or other usually explosive-based propellants to launch a projectile. Cannon vary in caliber, range, mobility, rate of fire, angle of fire, and firepower. (if you are interest in details of cannon;s function, and structure. please go to google.com and simply type cannon inside.)  but how can the cannon fire the heavy gun powers to a few kilometers away? well, that is the magic of physics.
and the most exciting thing is, we are actually building a cannon in our physic class, of course a mini mode.

here are some pictures of a cannon.


The FMA Lab is basically a lab that help us to understand the relationship between Force(F),Mass(M),and acceleration. to done this lab, a very cute little cart is required. and we find out the relationship between Force, Mass, and Acceleration by add weights in side the little cart and add the weight to pull the cart out of table. we learned the newton's second law, Fma through this lab, although this lab is exactly very fun...but, after go through all the difficulties, finally. we find a conclusion from this lab, Mr. Chung write it on the board....

The Tower ............

 A activity was held in our physic class room 2 weeks ago, construct a tower using newspaper and limit amount of tape. oh, forget to mention that the tower must be as high as possible, and it must be able to stand. some group make the tower really high, but the tragedy is, their tower wouldn't stand after all....OK, that's the situation in my group.It is a nice tower except it wouldn't stand. Anyway, even if we failed, we still have the fun and experience, and that is the most important thing during our education, right?(OK, i always use this sentence comfort myself after i fail something.)

here are some picture we have


Tallest structures in the world

   The tallest man-made structure in our world  is Burj Khalifa, a skyscraper in Dubai that reached 828 m (2,717 ft) in height on 17 January 2009. The  CN Tower  in Toronto, Canada, standing at 553.3 m (1,815 ft), was formerly the world's tallest completed freestanding structure on land. Opened in 1976 and unfortunately it was surpassed in height by the rising Burj Khalifa on 12 September 2007.  and of course there are some others pretty tall structures in our world that are not mentioned above.

but if you observed these structure more closely, it was very obvious that they all ave one thing in common, that the base of their structures are always wider than their tops. in fact, most of these buildings are in a  somewhat   cone shape , which help them to stand. Tomorrow our Teacher, Mr.Chung will ask us to build a structure with only newspaper. and the highest will won, what a exciting class and what a waste of newspaper.


Questions on projectile Motion

    Our interesting, somewhat handsome, evil physic teacher Mr.Chung asked us to blog some of the projectile motion questions he gave us. there are 5 type of projectile motion in total for grade 11 physic according to Mr. Chung's word. some of the questions are really straight forward, and some are little tricky to handle. but i don't think Mr. Chung will leave us alone with only this amount of work, this might only be the beginning............
Anyway, here are some of the answers to the questions on the projectile worksheet.
more questions will be posted afterwards :

How to build an egg glider?.

A new project  was given to us by Mr. Chung, that is, building an egg glider that is strong enough to protect the egg from breaking if the egg are going to be dropped to the ground from second floor.  Mr. Chung said that this will be helpful for us to learn kinematics and motion. but the task he gave us seems to be impossible to complete. we will only  be given 25 straws, one sheet of newspaper, and a limited amount of tape to complete this egg glider within 70 min. but since we are human, the most intelligent species and the ruler of this planet for over 6000 years . we can always solve the problem by using our brain. so, after 70 minuets of work, our group come a out a wonderful egg glider which are perfect in everything except of that it's ability to protect the egg is still unknown.
Anyway, here  are materials we used to build our egg glider:
you will be surprised when you see our outcome~


     Mr. Chung asked us to blog one of our homework on the blog,  which I think is totally unnecessary, to show my "creative" writhing on the blog and for everyone to see. anyway. here is my work on the following question : Page 72 #54,#56#58,#60,#62,#62. six question in total, right?

    If you see any mistake, it would be very helpful for you to kindly inform me and show me the correct method. Thank you and your action will be appreciated.

    Also , due the tectonically difficulties, some pictures are up-side down. so please cop and paste them into Word documents and read if you want to read about the details. sorry about the inconvenient.

    Here are the Answers :

Kinematics Graph Translation (of the lab results).

         Here is the translation of the graph of our physic lab, it is only a rough draft on the original graph. Mr.Chung said this is a kick off on our lab report. then, I am so proud of myself that i start doing my lab.

Here are the result(with the translation on the graph):
Please remember: the translations is for the graph before the that graph.


Walking the Graph Experience

We did a lab on matching the graph with a motion detector. it is harder than it looks.
 but it is a fun experience, also, this lab shows the difference between Distance-Time graph and Velocity-time graph. it is a interesting and helpful lab.

Here is some result of the lab:

RHR 1 & 2

Right hand rules are basically some rules about using your right hand to find out the direction of the magnetic field and the direction of the currents and forces,

right hand rule #1 : 
- the direction of the conventional current are indicated by the thumb of the right hand.
- the curved fingers point in the direction of the magnetic filed around the current.

right hand rule #2 : 
- the direction of the conventional currents are indicated by the curved fingers.
-the  thumb points in the direction of the magnetic filed within the coil. outside the coil, the thumb represents the North end of the electromagnet.


Concept Map + 10 things to remember when dealing with electricity

Feb,18,2010 Friday
First, let's talk about concept map. According to Mr. Chung's words, concept map can be classifies as a form of notes that help students to review. on Friday, we are asking to create a concept map in a group of four without without any forms of written or verbal communication..and at last, Mr.Chung gave us a concept map he created. ........he out smart us.
here is what our concept map look like :

  10 thing about Electricity:

1. Current
3. Resistance
4. Kirchhoff's law
6.series and parallel circuits
7.work is done is J
8. Conventional Current and Electron flow
9.Ohm's law
10. define the term: "electricity current"


Ohm vs. Kirchoff

10, Feb,2010

Ohm's law stated that the amount of current flowing through a resistor varies directly as the amount of potential difference applied across the resistor as long as other variables stays the same.

A simple diagram about Ohm's law:

               Kirchhoff's laws, however, are about the electric circuits. the Kirchhoff's current law stated the total current into a junction point of a circuit equals to the total current that flows out the same point.

              In the mean time, the Kirchhoff's voltage law stated that the total of all electrical potential decreases in any  complete circuits loop is equal to any potential increases in that circuit loop.


My Favourite Roller Coaster

09, Feb, 2010
I pick a 3rd prize Junior roller coaster as my favourite roller coaster, because, it is my favourite roller coaster! i just happened to be love it's style, backgrounds and creativity!

Here is what it is look like :

even thought it is my favourite roller coaster, I really doubted that if it is working or not........


From battery to Circuit

      08, Feb. 2011
      According to Mr. Chung's handouts, the electric currents produced by batteries are direct currents (DC).the electrons flows from negative terminal to positive terminal within the circuits. the circuits drives electric currents to loads and provide power or energy to the loads. then the electric currents return along the conductors back to the source(battery) to finish the circuit.

Some Diagrams:

Also, the speed of eclectic current is much quicker than the individual electrons because of the collisions between the electrons within the metal wires that push the electrons away form one atom and collide with  the next.


Energy Ball Activity

6, February, 2010

    My somewhat handsome young physic teacher, Mr. Chung made us did some activities about electricity on Friday. they are very simple activities, but  very interesting at the mean time. the activities were done with  some "Energy Balls",  basically they are some type of ping-pang ball that will light up if you put both of your fingers on the metal chips on it's surface. overall, the activities were fun and we learned about two types of electricity circuit , series circuit and parallel circuit. Series circuit are circuit that the lines are connected in a single path and parallel circuit are circuits that the lines are side by side. Both circuits are useful in our daily life. For example, parallel circuit are used in the switches in our homes  because of it's ability to switch between the lights,  the wires in our community are built like a series circuit due to safety issues.  Electricity currents pass through these lines, which are our bodies in Friday's activities.

here is some diagrams of the circuits                   Parallel Circuit

                                                   Series circuit

physics is really an interesting subject, isn't?