
Energy Ball Activity

6, February, 2010

    My somewhat handsome young physic teacher, Mr. Chung made us did some activities about electricity on Friday. they are very simple activities, but  very interesting at the mean time. the activities were done with  some "Energy Balls",  basically they are some type of ping-pang ball that will light up if you put both of your fingers on the metal chips on it's surface. overall, the activities were fun and we learned about two types of electricity circuit , series circuit and parallel circuit. Series circuit are circuit that the lines are connected in a single path and parallel circuit are circuits that the lines are side by side. Both circuits are useful in our daily life. For example, parallel circuit are used in the switches in our homes  because of it's ability to switch between the lights,  the wires in our community are built like a series circuit due to safety issues.  Electricity currents pass through these lines, which are our bodies in Friday's activities.

here is some diagrams of the circuits                   Parallel Circuit

                                                   Series circuit

physics is really an interesting subject, isn't?

